Rick Russell

Northern Ohio

weather safe resource

3680 Spring Valley Road
Akron, OH 44333

330-659-9722 Office
330-606-5675 Cell
330-659-9719 Fax

Lisa Townsend

Northern Ohio & Architectural

weather safe resource

717 South Main Street
Canton, OH 44720

330-497-4744 Office
330-704-7648 Cell
330-497-6916 Fax

Wil Rivera

Southern Ohio , Kentucky, Southern Indiana and West Virginia

Weather Safe Resource, Inc

9260 Jamison Road
Lodi, OH 44254
United States

Marathon is one of our top 5 suppliers (out of our 200+). Besides extraordinary service, they provide quick delivery, top quality products and competitive costs. This has enabled us to work together to grow our business each year with Marathon.

— Best Materials LLC, Phoenix AZ