In this edition, Marathon purchases new front loader tractor to assist with snow removal for the upcoming winter season. After two seasons with major blizzards that hit with snow totals of up to seven feet per event, it was time to add some power equipment. Also, check out our featured products & rep feature for this month!
Reflecting on 2014 causes me to send you a quick note to compliment you and all the personnel at Marathon Products for doing such a great job. So many times we needed a product quickly to satisfy our customers’ needs and so many times you responded with the necessary product and service to keep everybody’s wheels turning. You always have the inventory to service our orders.
There are 3 things that I appreciate most about Marathon Roofing Products, your inventory, your willingness to develop and introduce new products and especially the people there that “make it happen”. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with the Cislo family and Marathon Roofing Products.
— Dan Crookston, CC Supply, Barberton, OH